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GetRight Mail Control

The GetRight Mail Control is a free add-on program for GetRight. It allows you to easily send URLs to be downloaded with GetRight on your computer from any other computer by just sending an email.

The best example is if you have two computers, one with a slow modem connection to the Internet (Home) and another with a fast, always-on connection to the Internet (Work).

You can browse and find files to download on the home computer, and when you find something you want, send a simple mail message so the work computer will download the file. When you next go to the work computer, you can easily bring the completed file home on a CD or other storage*!
There are many other possible uses as well: sharing downloads between friends, getting everyone in an office to download the latest virus scanner updates, sending downloads home from work so the latest game demo is waiting when you get home, etc.

GetRight Mail Control Install Program (300k, 1.02)
  • Download!

  • You will need a POP mail account where the special GetRight Mail Control emails will be sent. This can be your usual mail account (but if possible, it is better to use a separate account so your normal mail program won't get the command mails instead.)
  • Install the GetRight Mail Control on a computer with GetRight.

    How it works:
  • Send an email with the subject GetRight Get: url from an allowed "From" email account to the POP mail account you have setup in the GetRight Mail Control.
  • The GetRight Mail Control will periodically check that email account for the special message to start a downloading a URL.
  • That's it!
  • UPDATE with 1.02, you can also put GetRight Body as the subject of the email, and then list up to 10 URLs in the body of the message that GetRight should get (one per line).

    More stuff for it:
  • The GetRight IE Tools (Download Server 1) (Download Server 2) allows you to add a few items into your Internet Explorer right-click menus. Including one to help build the email messages to send to this Mail Control.

  • * Bringing the file home on a CD of course assumes the file has completed downloading and will fit on a CD...a huge file might need a DVD burner, or spanning the file across several disks, etc.
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